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ODK Briefcase FAQs

  1. When do I need to use the ODK briefcase?
    You need ODK Briefcase when you have an encrypted form and you want to export data, or when you have a form that is collecting media files, audit data or background data.
  2. Can I migrate data from one project or account to another on Ona.io using ODK Briefcase? 
    Currently, you can NOT migrate data from one form to another on the same server but can transfer from one ODK aggregate server to another.
  3. What can I do when I get the “There are no submissions to download” error when I try to pull submissions on ODK briefcase?
    This error is usually thrown when you have not used the account username where the form is located in the URL. Even if your username has permission to the project where the form is located, you must use the username of the account where the form is located on the URL i.e a form located on onasupportorg account, the URL will be https://odk.ona.io/onasupportorg then specify onasupport as the username and enter the associated account password.
  4. What can I do when I get a 401 unauthorized error when I try to pull submissions?
    You can get this error when you do not have the correct permissions to the project where the form is located. You need at least Can Submit permissions to pull submissions in ODK Briefcase.
    This error can also be thrown if you don’t use the account username where the project is located on the configuration URL.
  5. What can I do when I get “Export has started” status when exporting encrypted data on ODK Briefcase?
    This error occurs when you have a newer Java version when exporting data from encrypted form. With ODK Briefcase not being updated, new Java versions do not support RSA encryption method which is what encrypted forms use. We recommend using earlier Java versions for you to decrypt data from the encrypted form.
  6. What should I keep in mind when developing an encrypted form?
    When developing a form to be used with ODK briefcase, (encrypted form and forms collecting media files) make sure:
    1. The allow choice duplicates is not set to ON.
    2. Variable names do not have more than 32 characters
    3. You don’t use the same variable name as the choice list name for select multiple questions
    4.  Make sure all submissions submitted to the form are all encrypted. If you are testing the form before encrypting it, make sure to delete all test records before encrypting the form
  7. Is there a way I can decrypt data if I lose my private key?
    If the private key gets lost before you decrypt the data, there is no other way to access data. The only way to get data is by decrypting it using the private key. Make sure you save the keys securely.

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