Guide: Data collection with Enketo & ODK Collect Enketo vs. ODK Collect There are two options that Ona users have for data collection: Enketo Smart Paper and ODK...
How to: Import data to a form using Import CSV Using Import CSV to upload data is a great way to add new records in bulk to a form or...
How to: Pre-fill form fields using Enketo Express If there are multiple fields you would like to prefill, then you would have to separate each of the other...
Guide: Troubleshooting common error messages Error when uploading XLSForms “Form with this id or SMS-keyword already exists” – Uploading a form to a project that...
SimPrints Integration with ODK Collect Introduction to Simprints SimPrints is hardware and software used to collect fingerprint biometric data which integrates with mobile data collection...
How to: Collect data using GeoODK Collect GeoODK Collect GeoODK Collect is an Android device tool for data collection and mapping applications derived from ODK Collect. It...
How to: Make sure your forms comply with GDPR The EU introduced important new data privacy legislation called the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which has been in effect since...
How to: Pass submissions from RapidPro to Ona Collecting data using SMS or integrated voice response (IVR) interactions is sometimes easier, more efficient, or less expensive than sending...
Create a PDF/Print Out of a Filled/Unfilled Form While digital data collection eliminated the need for paper versions of the form, sometimes users want a paper version or...
Using Postman with Ona Data What is Postman? Postman is an API platform for building, using, and testing APIs. It simplifies each step of the...
Select Location Widget Locations can be identified by a name, an address, a landmark, etc. However, locations are more precisely defined by GPS...