1. How do I cancel my subscription?
You can cancel your paid subscription at any time by clicking Downgrade to free under the Plans tab of the Settings menu of your Ona account (https://ona.io/yourusername/settings). If you have any trouble canceling your subscription, please email billing@ona.io. Please see these guides on canceling your subscription for personal accounts and organization accounts to learn more.
2. How do I use my paid account with others?
When your account is upgraded to a paid plan, ONLY the upgraded account unlocks the plan’s limits and features. To collaborate with others, you will need to create an account for them and add them as a collaborator or member. Please read this guide on collaborating with others.
3. How do I change the payment method used for my recurring monthly subscription?
You can update your payment method under the Plans tab of the Settings menu of your Ona account (https://ona.io/yourusername/settings). Please note that you can only add a credit or debit card. Should you need to use another payment method, please send a request to billing@ona.io.
4. I am paying for an account but I uploaded a form in a free account, what should I do?
You can use the project transfer feature to transfer the form and associated submissions to the correct account.
5. I paid for a plan but I need to upgrade to a higher plan
If you paid for the standard plan but realize that you need to upgrade to Pro, you will be required to pay the full invoiced amount of the Pro plan. Once payment is complete, please send an email to billing@ona.io to claim a refund for the days left on your standard plan subscription. Users looking to upgrade to the enterprise plan should send an email request to billing@ona.io to get a price estimate for the enterprise plan.