Changing your plan to free will cancel your subscription and downgrade your account to the Free plan at the end of your subscription period. This means that if you had selected automatic renewals, your subscription will not be automatically renewed at the end of your subscription. Instead, your Ona account will be downgraded at the end of your subscription period.
Downgrading an account means that you are switching from a plan with higher usage limits to a plan with lower usage limits. Downgrading an account does not result in any data loss. However, if the account is over the Free plan limits, users will have restricted access to the account’s projects, forms, and data. Please read more about what happens when an account is downgraded and is over limit. You can upgrade your account again at any time.
Account downgraded due to non-payment
When an account is downgraded to a Free plan due to non-payment, users will have limited access to the projects’ forms and data. You will not be able to create a new subscription until you clear all overdue invoices. Please read more about what happens when an account is downgraded due to non-payment.
In the billing section of your Ona account, you will see a list of previous invoices. To clear an overdue invoice, click on the invoice to view the invoice balance and pay online. To discuss a different payment method for your overdue invoice, please email to speak to a representative.