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  3. How to: Collaborate with teams

How to: Collaborate with teams

Working in teams is made easy by allowing you to assign relevant access levels to your organization, projects, and forms. This allows admins the ability to control users’ access, who can be collaborators in multiple organizations and projects, ensuring users only have access to necessary functions, and no more, to complete their tasks.

Below is a review of how the different levels (organization, project, form) work:

Organization Level

Having an organization account on Ona allows you to better organize and manage your group-owned projects and data.

Within an organization, you can share Admin privileges and add Project managers and members, who will have different levels of access as shown in the table below:

Org Admin Project Manager Members
Can add and remove members in the org and change the role for any member except self x
Can change org settings x
Can transfer org account x
Can delete the org account x
Has admin permissions on all org projects x
Can create projects in the org x
Has admin permissions only on org projects they create x
Has member-level permissions, as stipulated by a project admin, on org projects they did not create x
Can view the org member list, but cannot make any changes x x
Cannot access org settings x x
Has member-level permissions to all org projects as stipulated by a project admin. x x
Can leave the org x x x

Read more on how to manage your organization from our detailed guide.

Project Level

Managing projects is key for organizations/individuals when collecting data for ongoing projects. Ona allows one to create projects and add collaborators by assigning different permission levels.

Sharing projects

Data-sharing settings occur at the project level and are inherited by all forms in the project.

To share your project with collaborators:

  1. From the Home page, click on the Share Project icon;
  2. You can also access the Share button from the project page. If you don’t see the Share button, you don’t have permission to change the share settings.
  3. You can then enter a collaborator’s Ona username or a name that you would like to share the project with.
  4. Once you select the username, you will need to assign a permission level for the user. Then, click Share. You can continue adding other collaborators, and when you are done, click Done to close the share module.

Form Level

Unlike normal project permissions, form-level restrictions are set for individual forms in the project. Role-based permissions limit access to the submitted data for users who have ‘Can Edit’ and ‘Can Submit’ permission levels. These restrictions can be set to allow the collaborators access to all data, access to none of the data, or allow them access to data only they have submitted. Read more on how to assign these permissions in our help documentation.

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