An organization account is an account that is owned and managed by multiple Ona users. Ona users can be added to the org as members, allowing the projects, forms, and data hosted inside the account to be collectively shared and managed. Users can still be added separately to a project within the account without having to be added as a member of the org.
A personal account is owned and managed by a single user. Projects, forms, and data hosted within a personal account are owned and managed only by the account owner. The owner can share their projects with other users. Unlike org accounts, personal accounts do not allow more than one user with an admin role to be added to a project.
When users sign up with Ona using, they are creating a personal account. Users with personal accounts can create org accounts by logging in to their accounts and selecting the New Organization option in the account dropdown menu. Other users can then be added to the org as members. All the orgs that a user is a member of will be listed in the Organizations dropdown menu.