• How to: Add a Tableau connector

    Tableau is an interactive data visualization software that helps in the easy visualization of data and the creation of beautiful dashboards. Ona has integrated this as an App to enable you to visualize data collected on Ona. You can easily connect form submission data on Ona to Tableau and update…

  • Guide: Data Management

    Submitted data can be viewed by loading the form on Ona. Overview Page This is the first page of the form. The Overview page gives a general summary of your data. There are several smaller sections within the Overview page. The Activity log depicts the number of records submitted to…

  • How to: Add heatmaps and hexbins to a basemap

    Hexbin and heatmaps are two additional data visualization tools that can be used in the Map view to provide more context for your data. Hexbins Hexbins is short for hexagonal binning. This method can be applied to maps for visualizing aggregated data during analysis, and is great for large datasets….

  • How to: Using media files in Ona forms

    Add media files directly to your ODK Collect folder to use in forms In cases where mobile data or WiFi connection is limited, downloading large media files from your Ona account to ODK Collect may be challenging. In this case, you can manually add media files to your device(s) instead of uploading form…

  • Guide: Projects

    Get started on a project A project is the most basic element of Ona. It contains all of the forms and data related to the project as well as information to aid new collaborators understand the project better; such as Project description, Category, and Location. Projects are where you set…

  • Guide: ODK Briefcase

    As of December 2021, ODK Briefcase will no longer be updated. However, you can still use it to pull/push forms and data and decrypt forms. More information can be found on the ODK Forum. What is ODK Briefcase? ODK Briefcase is used to gather and pull data from (or push…

  • Guide: Organizations

    What are organizations? Organizations are a way to simplify group-owned datasets, expand access permissions, and focus data workflow for organization projects. If you ever had to manage multiple Ona accounts, desired a company-specific project list, or needed central control of project data, Organizations are best suited for you. Who are…

  • How to: Add a basemap

    Why add a basemap? A basemap provides background or geographical context for the data you want to display on a map.   Some examples of basemaps include:  Specialized basemaps that highlight specific types of data (e.g. basemaps for transport or cycle routes); Special maps or custom-built maps (e.g. Pirate and Comic…

  • Guide: Data collection with Enketo & ODK Collect

    Enketo vs. ODK Collect There are two options that Ona users have for data collection: Enketo Smart Paper and ODK Collect. Enketo is a web application that works on any modern web browser (although we highly recommend the Chrome browser), while ODK Collect is an Android application that can be…

  • Guide: Ona Apps

    What are Ona Apps? Ona Apps are powerful integrations that let users connect and grant data access to external apps. Currently, integrations with Google Sheets, RapidPro, TextIt, Tableau, and Tableau Hyper are supported. The Ona Apps were released in July 2016. Below, we go over how to get started connecting…

  • Guide: Form authoring overview

    This guide will show you how to create and manage forms using the XLSForm syntax. Form Basics What is an XLSForm? XLSForm is a syntax used to author forms using a spreadsheet program such as Excel or Google Sheets. It is a practical standard for sharing and collaborating when creating…

  • Guide: Managing your Organizations

    What is an organization? An organization account on Ona allows you to better organize and manage your group-owned projects and data. Org accounts have advanced permission levels over individual accounts. This means an org admin can add other members to the organization and share admin privileges with them, or they…

  • How to: Create a filtered dataset

    A filtered dataset is a subset of form submissions data that fulfills certain conditions set by the user. They are useful when you want to share a dataset with other people, but would like to keep certain fields or records private. Filtered datasets allow you to select certain fields from…

  • How to: Import data to a form using Import CSV

    Using Import CSV to upload data is a great way to add new records in bulk to a form or replace existing records with clean records. Currently, this feature only supports uploading CSV files to a form. Import CSV allows you to do any of the following; Add new records…

  • How to: Replace forms without submissions

    Replacing forms without submissions Forms uploaded to your Ona account can be replaced using the Replace Form option in the form’s dropdown menu. Below are the steps to follow to replace a form in your Ona account. Keep in mind that in order to replace an existing form on Ona,…

  • Resource: Sample XLSForms

    We’ve created several XLSForm surveys for you to download and use as a starting point. All of these XLSForms can also be found in the Starter Forms project. Feel free to download the XLSForms below from Google Drive to try them out on your own. Household Characteristics Preview (Enketo Webform)…

  • How to: Upload an XLSForm

    Open the add form popup On the project page, the Add a form button is located under the project name and description. The add form modal will open, and you can select the method of adding your form. There are three ways to add XLSForms to a project in Ona: Upload an…

  • How to: Encrypt your form

    You can encrypt form submissions to the Ona server using ODK Collect or Enketo web forms. Encrypted forms are useful for projects that have strict data security requirements from ethical review boards. How does form encryption work? Forms are encrypted on your mobile device once they are marked as finalized…

  • How to: Link a dataset as a media file to another form

    This article is about specifying a form or filtered dataset as a media file for another form. Used in conjunction with the pulldata() function, this allows you to pull data from other dynamic datasets and surveys (i.e., other forms in your Ona account which are still active and accepting submissions) in the…

  • How to: Replace forms that have submissions

    Can I replace a form that has submissions? Yes! Ona now supports replacing a form with submissions. See How to replace a form for step-by-step instructions on replacing forms. When replacing a form with existing submissions, be aware that Ona will only pay attention to the fields from the updated…

  • How to: Add role-based permission restrictions

    How do I add role-based permission restrictions to a form? Role-based permission restrictions levels allow the Admin of the project to set restrictions for the project’s collaborators. Unlike normal project permissions, these restrictions are set for individual forms in the project and do not apply to all forms in the…